
Anna at Sandy Point Beach

Anna at Sandy Point Beach

We started the day off with a guided tour of the Chris Reeve Knife factory, which was an unexpected treat.  The head machinist, Keith Wilson, gave us his undivided attention for over an hour while I asked question after question.  It was the most impressive array of machinery and group of people I had ever seen.  If you want a good knife and are willing to pay for the quality of something made in America with pride, I would highly recommend Chris Reeve Knives.  Personally, I carry a Kershaw/Ken Onion knife which was also made in the USA.  It’s a little pocket worn, but good as new and deadly sharp.  I never leave home without it, but you’d be amazed at how many places where honest Americans aren’t allowed to carry a simple pocketknife.  It’s a telling fact about what this country is turning into.  But I digress.  We left the knife factory and headed up for the Kodiak Grill, a few miles out of town.  On the way up, we drove past a park at the reservoir that was so beautiful we just had to stop and get a better look.  We took pictures and vowed that if we ever made it back to Boise, we would go to that park and enjoy some sun and fun.

Kodiak Burger

Kodiak Burger with Fries
and Garlic Aioli

We opened the Kodiak Grill and what a gorgeous place it was.  I ordered the Kodiak Burger (which was made on the show) and Anna ordered the roast beef sandwich with sweet potato fries and maple pecan butter.  Anna and I toured the place and they had a photo collage of the DDD shoot (a fun treat).  Danarae Clor, the owner, was not there that day.  I was really hoping to meet her because she was so witty and entertaining on the show with Guy Fieri.  He has a lightning wit and she was able to keep up.  I hear Guy likes to be kept on his toes, and Danarae did that in spades. Continue reading

First Day


Guy Fieri's "Guy Ate Here" tag at Pizzal-Chick

Guy Ate Here tag at Pizzal-Chick

O-dark-thirty arrived on September 26, 2010 as we climbed into our trusty steed and headed for the high desert and the road to Reno; destination—the Gold N Silver Inn, our very first DDD spot.  Sadly, the experience was not a good one, fair at best.  Anna had Eggs Florentine which were bland and uninspired.  I just knew my life wouldn’t be complete until I sampled the homemade veal gravy that takes two days to make.  I’ve worked in some high-end restaurants (waiter) and I know all about demi-glace.  I should have tried my luck with the one-pound beef patty (which is what they made on the show) but I was afraid I would get bored with it and so I ordered the meatloaf.  Sadly, the meatloaf was bland and appeared to be nuked. The real disappointment was the gravy.    Most of the time, places with huge menus that are open 24/7 don’t have good food.  This place was good enough to make it on DDD however, so one thing or another has turned out to be a fluke.  Other than the fact that we were there at breakfast time, I don’t know what went wrong. 

It was an inauspicious start, but our server was friendly and we got an amusing story out of it.  Guy mentioned that the place had been closed only one day since they opened in 1956 (incredible).  Our waitress told us that the one day they closed—they were robbed! Continue reading